An experience they'll remember...learning that will last. Hopefully that's what you're after. If not and you just need to check a box, I'm not the right fit for you. If, however, you want to support your team(s) through some sort of change - then I am most certainly interested in having a conversation!
From a series of 1-hour webinars all the way to 3-week long programs, I've created and facilitated it all. In doing so, I've seen up close and personal what works and what doesn't and will happily share the fallacies and best practices for each. Of course - just as you'd expect, it always depends on your group and your needs.
Speaker, trainer, queen of possibilities and unicorn are all titles that have been used to describe me (the last one still makes me giggle). I am a seasoned Fortune 200 trainer known for my energy, warmth and relatable, non-judgmental personality as I help people work through their internal issues and excuses to break through to the other side.
With 20 years of experience leading thousands to the holy grail (managers to coach the person instead of just the numbers), I am well equipped to navigate the natural resistance that comes with any change management effort on many levels. BONUS: I also have a process that tracks the behavioral changes of the individuals and group if that's of interest
Be the hero and bring me in to set your group free from their own hang ups, habits and hardships so they can reconnect to their professional purpose while engaging in their own personal mastery.
Instead of dreading how to make everyone on your team happy, use these key tried & true pillars of leadership to simplify your life, improve team morale & improve deliverables.
Demystify all the so-called personality styles, learn simple external clues to identify people’s preferences & find out how simple it is to strengthen relationships, influence people, navigate conflict.
Harness your power to take action with deceptively simple tools that will eliminate indecision & get you back on the fast track of productivity!
Have you opened a new location, redesigned your shop, or added a new product or service? Don't keep it to yourself, let folks know.